Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

Yes, my friends, it is a record breaker in Toronto. 36 degrees Celsius, with the Humidex in the high 40s. I thank God for a/c and hope there is not another blackout. It's bloody hot. I got no sleep last night because on top of the heat, I caught my baby's cold and was sniffling all night. Finally Arthur took pity on me, took the little one into the living room so I could get a few hours' sleep.

Today my brain is just melting. Alex had a 3 hour nap and is still fussy and crying. I understand. Weather like this should be against the law.

They were crying on the news this morning that they have cooling centers open all night and nobody is using them and that it costs $ 30 000 to do that. Well, one needs to GET to the cooling center, does one not? And how to do that with half the buses and all streetcars with no air conditioning? They would be better off handing water out to the homeless and ensuring all seniors are in a cool, airy place.

In other news, Castro has TEMPORARILY relinquished power to his brother Raul. People in Miami are celebrating. Hold on there, people, this is a temporary measure. This man is made of titanium and will even rule from the grave.