Tuesday, March 06, 2007


C'est un froid syberique! Or something like that. It's bloody cold out there again, pilgrims. Thank God for working at home.

The little munchkin has new rain boots (two pairs of them) and forces us to walk around the halls and up and down the stairs with him in our building. He exhausts himself. He exhausts us. He won't stop. OK, I know it's good exercise and all to go up four flights of stairs a few times in a row, but it's bloody boring.

Been watching the BBC version DVD of Pride and Prejudice. Love it! My friend Charlotte lent it to me and I'm watching it for the second time already. When I first saw it on TV, I liked it a lot less than the 1980 version with Daniel Rintoul and Elizabeth McGarvie, but now I think I like Colin Firth best. Ah, those were the days when one could run around the countryside in a bonnet and empire waist dress. There are just not enough balls to attend these days. As lady Catherine de Burgh said, it is all very vexing. I am quite put out.

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