Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kiddie Land

So, the little one is a fiend when it comes to throwing stuff. He's very accurate with the ball and unfortunately carries that over to throwing other things. He hit another kid with a book at the drop-in center today. Hello time-outs. I was hoping to not have to introduce him to those until later.

In other news, my friend Charlotte is already feeling the effects of her chemo. She's starting to lose her hair and feels weak and nauseated. She has sores in her mouth. Boy, this chemo is nasty stuff. I hope it really helps her to fight her cancer. She also says that she's gaining weight, which makes her feel depressed as well. What a stupid disease cancer is and boy I wish we had better treatments, ones that would actually make the patient feel better, not horrible.

It all makes me kinda blue.

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