Thursday, September 16, 2004

I know, I know, it's been a while

But my silence as of late can be explained by my new desk at Evil. This is situated right across from a director who has a clear uninterrupted view of my screen. Yuck.

Went to a lovely stich and bitch at Glacia's. Had to leave early because I was exhausted, but still, had lots of fun. She and Mitzi walked me to the bus stop, which was lovely.

Evil held a breakfast yesterday morning for the Dev group, of which tech writers are part. It was pretty BORING! The food was good though. They made us play these silly games where we had to discover relationships between members of our groups. For example, find a person who has a relative with the same name as your relative. Eh? We drew a blank on that one. Or see who has the most legs in your houes. What? Needless to say, my team did not win.

One month to go to mat leave. Wooohooo! I will be shot of this place for at least a few months. That is certainly something to look forward to.

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