Thursday, September 02, 2004

We are so lucky this city weather wise. I know a lot of people have been complaining about the coolness of the summer this year. Personally, I have loved the cooler weather. But at least we have no hurricanes! I just read what some people on my Lone Writers List are doing to get ready for Frances hitting land. It's all so far removed from us here in Toronto, but these people have to stack up on water, food, batteries, medications, supplies for their pets. And I guess worst of all they have to face the possibility that they will have to leave their homes and these homes may not still be there when they come back. It really puts things in a perspective. Give me cool summers any day! I don't have to stuff my most important posessions into one bag and look for a shelter and wonder if everything I own was just wiped out. We were so unprepared for the blackout last year. We barely survived one day with no power and we still had water. My heart goes out to people in Florida and the Carolinas. Hurricane Frances, go away!

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