Saturday, January 01, 2005

Lesson time

I get these epiphanies late at night while I am feeding the bebe. One of them is that true love is only loving someone when they are being crabby to you. Arthur is tired and hates his job and that makes him a cranky boy sometimes and as I am exhausted and emotionally vulnerable, I make a little too much of it. Ah, well.

Life really really changes after baby. I would have never thought that I would be able to sit for hours, holding someone's head on my arm, arm feeling crushed and losing all feeling and would be glad to do it. Or that I would get up at four am and feed and not feel resentful about losing sleep. Or that I could rock someone to sleep for half an hour, with pain in the back and aching arms because he weighs 14 pounds. It's a whole other world. All of a sudden what I wanted before is not exactly what I want now. Before ideal life: bohemian life in the city. Ideal life now: house in the burbs. Who woulda thought.

Well, I must dash on that note. I hear him crying for mommy and that's me! :)

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