Sunday, January 23, 2005

Snowed in

OK, people, it's COLD! Yesterday about 25 centimeters of snow fell on Toronto. My balcony is totally covered, despite my efforts to keep at least a small area clear. Today it's sunny but damn cold. With the windchill, it's -34 C. Ouch!

I have been trying to keep my New Year's resolution of eliminating the clutter from the apartment and going through stuff to throw it out. I got rid of all the STC magazines I had. Thank God for electronic copies online. Also am throwing out all my cassette tapes. I never listen to them and already have a pile of CDs that I don't listen to. VHS tapes will be next. I must say that it feels cleansing to be shedding all this stuff. Unfortunately, I still don't see a major improvement space wise. All the surfaces of our home are still full of stuff.

I have discovered the major fear of motherhood. It's that somehow you will make a mistake that will affect your kid for the rest of his life. I swear, I never worried so much about someone as I worry about Alex. Every rash or every time he coughs, I worry. I suppose we should have another baby because if not, the poor guy will hardly have any breathing room with his mother worrying over his every step. I don't relish the thought of being pregnant again, however. Also, the birth experience is still pretty fresh in my mind and I have to say, erm, NO THANKS! Those were the longest 24 hours of my life.

Am actually anticipating watching the Bachelorette tomorrow. Oh, shudder. And the Supernanny after that. I have come to the conclusion that we are a generation plagued by helplessness. It seems there are reality TV shows about everything these days - from decorating to selling houses, from weddings to births to parenting. Can we not do anything ourselves? There are even shows about people who have such a mess at home that they require someone to come in and clear it up for them! (Neat, Clean Sweep) No wonder Dr. Phil is so popular. We actually have to re-teach people to solve their own problems. At some point there will be a mentality of giving up and waiting for someone to come in and fix your life. You look bad, have a TV makeover or even plastic surgery. Can't find a date, go on Matchmaker. Kids are out of control, call the Supernanny. It's the new era of talk shows. Instead of talking about it, you actually watch it. I suppose it's even more voyeuristic than Jerry Springer. I am not saying that I have not fallen into the trap because clearly I have. I would love Debbie Travis to make over my living room. I would love to be snatched off the street for a makeover. Most likely though I will have to do it all myself and I think I will enjoy it!

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