Thursday, August 04, 2005


The abundance of comments on this blog shows me clearly that nobody reads it (except for Glacia, who rocks). This gives me license to write what I want! Ha! Beware, ye of little readership!

We had our version of a big media event on Tuesday, which is the Air France plane crash at Pearson. I totally salute the crew of that plane who actually got 300 people out to safety in about 90 seconds to 4 minutes. Wow. I think that is the best commercial for flying Air France, even if we crash, we will save you! I just hope the crash was not caused by pilot error.

Actually, this is bizarre. I was outside on Tuesday at four-ish and looking up at the sky, watching the huge clouds and wondering when it was going to begin pouring when I saw a plane pass by quite low, heading for the airport. It was flying a bit funny, leaning over to one side and I had a fleeting thought of it crashing, but quickly dismissed it. When I got home, I learned that a plane did crash and around four o'clock. Am clearly psychic.

In a bit of a grump today. I examined all the recent events and decided that it was not due to anything in particular, just a yucky mood. Of course, my notorious lack of money might have something to do with it. Can't even go shopping to make myself feel better.

I have about five centimeters left to knit on my sweater sleeves and then I can put it together! Yay! I will be SO happy. I started this sweater last year, before Alex was born. Next project, funky scarf.

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