Friday, August 19, 2005


It was Alex's nine month well visit yesterday and the poor mite cried as soon as he saw the doctor. No shots though, so that was a blessing. Once again, he is in the 100th percentile for length at 79cm and 73 percentile for weight at 9730 grams. That's almost 22 pounds for all you imperial measure people. He's sitting up by himself and will crawl given half a chance. Pretty soon he'll be a baby no more but a toddler!

I was coming home on the subway from my doctor visit yesterday and there was this lady on the subway who just sat there and laughed and sang to herself. Of course, everyone was looking at her like she'd lost her mind and I thought, how sad. She may have just been happy and of a different mind set than the rest of the grim faced subway riders who sink their nose in a book or stare at a wall in an effort not to make eye contact with anyone. Then again, she may have been nuts, but the same can be said for all of us. Just because someone doesn't quote the bible at random at all the fellow passengers does not mean that he or she is 'normal.' The BTK killer seemed normal to all intents and purposes and he is far from it. So to all of you who find the need to communicate with yourself aloud or sing or do something else that is not normally accepted subway behaviour, I say, you go!

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