Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Lately it seems that I've been writing about food a lot. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I need to lose 20 pounds and I have begun to feel guilty about pretty much everything I eat. I have come to realize that to achieve the 20 pound weight loss I need to stop eating. Yes, I know what you're going to say, just get a little more exercise. The thing is that I have no time. And I mean that. My commute takes 3 hours a day. I'm at work for eight hours. When I get home, I take care of baby until about eight p.m., at which point he goes to sleep. Then I have two hours relax time, at which point, a. I can't leave in case bebe needs me, b. can't do anything loud so as not to wake bebe, c. am utterly exhausted and sit-ups are the last thing on my mind.
So, diet is pretty much the only way I can lose weight right now.

Last night Arthur made these super delish green peppers stuffed with chili. Oh, they were yummy, and of course I immediately felt guilty because we know that yummy foods are the bad, fat producing ones. It has gotten so if I enjoy something, I immediately feel guilty about eating it. I think I will have to stick to carrot sticks and celery for a while. And chocolate, of course.

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