Monday, January 16, 2006

Reflections for a Monday

Time is very relative. Right now on my computer, the time is 3:34 p.m. On my phone, it is 3:33 and on my old phone it's 3:31. My watch shows 3:32. This all shows very plainly that I am ready to go home and am watching the clock. Still an hour and 15 minutes to go though.

I have realized yesterday, as I was rocking my boy to sleep, that my life is about food. There is just way too much food in my life. The problem is that I like food, good food that is. If I can change the focus to something other than food, I bet I'll lose weight. But what? Of course, I can't remove food from my life completely or else I'll get very weak and die. It's a dilemma.

It's been cold as heck in TO the last few days. Today the temperature in the morning was -13 C, but it felt like -19. Brrr! For all you Fahrenheit folks, that's VERY COLD! There's a biting wind and even though it's sunny and beautiful, it's not fun to be outdoors. I'm sure I will feel that even more, as I wait for the bus later on.

And this brings us to 3:44. Still an hour to go.

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