Thursday, January 03, 2008


Really have not had enough time to think of many, but here is what I came up with so far:

1. Learn to meditate. (What the heck, I can do it!)
2. Spend less money. (No more spur of the moment/emotional buys, this is it, I am cut off! This includes yarn.)
3. De-clutter. (Not sure I can do this one.)
4. Finish the mister's sweater. (OK, it's been over three years, this is getting ridiculous!)
5. Travel, travel, travel! (Mr.P and me on a beach)
6. Figure out the meaning of life, existence of a higher benevolent being, and how to save the world from itself.

There, that ought to do it.

No weight loss, you ask? Well, if I get all of the above done, I think the weight will take care of itself.

Happy New Year! Champange wishes and caviar dreams (or whatever). What is Robin Leach doing these days anyway?

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

You've been tagged.

I saw Robin Leach in a documentary recently.

What's he doing?

He's getting faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.