Friday, August 27, 2004

Some people are just weird...

Yesterday on my way back from the doctor's I got groped in the subway. OK, now I am in my seventh month of pregnancy. I am not thin. I don't wear sexy stuff, just comfy clothes and yet it still happens. The guy was standing behind me waiting for the door and I felt a distict hand on my behind. I turned around and looked at him in utter amazement and he had the audacity to give me a knowing smile. I was so stunned by the whole thing that I didn't say anything, just walked out of the subway car and went on my way.

Baby jacket is nearing completion! I sewed the shoulders yesterday and made button holes. Today I have to sew the sleeves and that will be it! Yay! Now mind, I made this jacket a little bit big. Arthur asked me if I was expecting our child to be chubby. I followed the stupid instructions and I think the baby will be wearing this at six months old and no earlier. Well, he'll grow into it.


Jacqueline said...

I swear there is some sort of epidemic on the subway. This never happened before, but now I'm constantly being bothered by these creeps.

I'll show you how to knit socks. People stay far away from ladies with 4 pointy objects.

Pengirl said...

That may be a good defence! Stick 'em with knitting needles. Oh, btw, I saw the cutest knitting needles in a shop on Bloor West. Might have to get us some.