Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Why, why do I work for dumb people?

The sheikh is on a war path. He seethes fire whenever he breathes. He doesn't even acknowledge people when he sees them in the hall. Of course, I found out yesterday that I have no clue about format or terminology and my style is completely different than his. Quite frankly what I wanted to say to that was "Eh?" I wrote the damn docs according to his formatting and tried my best to follow his stupid style. Clearly I failed because my style is different - better! But what I did say was "OK, I'll change it." He wants "an immediate turnaround on this", but he did not give me his comments, so I have to wait for today's 'axing' as our review meetings are affectionately called, for him to humiliate me in front of everyone. Then he'll give me the comments. It just makes me more and more stressed to think of it all.

In happier news, our weekend in the States was nice. It rained all Saturday, but Sunday was sunny and we went on the Arcade-Attica Rail Road, which was this historic train ride. The coaches on this train date from 1910 and the engine from 1947. The track is from 1867, so the train has to go very slowly and it wobbles a lot. It was lots of fun.

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