Monday, August 30, 2004

Yay me!

Yes, I finished the baby jacket. All I need to do now is put buttons on it. I even began the bunny hat already.

I also cleaned out about six months worth of old bills. I have a problem. Bills seem to take over various surfaces of my home. They're all paid, so I don't really pay attention to them anymore. I swear, they multiply. Yesterday I cleaned all of them out (sorted and put away into appropriate places) and a whole empty bookshelf emerged from underneath! This was very exciting because I had been feeling guilty that Arthur doesn't have enough space for his things. And voila, a whole shelf just for him. At least I won't be tempted to put new paid bills there.

I tried to dye a couple of shirts with Kool Aid. The colours were nice and intense until I rinsed them out and they became pastel-y and wishy washy. Maybe cotton doesn't take Kool Aid as well as wool. Anyway, now I have two t-shirts that smell intensly of cherry and grape flavours. Hee hee!

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