Thursday, January 08, 2004

I cannot believe that I forgot the password to the other one. Ah, well, no matter.

The African came to see me on Tuesday. I was rather shocked. I have not seen him in two years. And here he pops up out of the blue. Heart flutter going up to reception to see him, but then pretty much OK. It certainly was not like in the past when I just could not keep my hands off him. He gave me a peck on the cheek. We went down for coffee. I think it was a cheer up visit for him. It was a fall back visit. He brought up our TTC trips way back when. He said he had a good time. So did I, mate. Too bad you were so bloody cold.
All in all, this confirmed the fact that Arthur was a good choice for me. Though he has already managed to get my mother all in a huff.

Then yesterday, Rodrigo came into my office, bearing a parcel and with a bit of a goofy grin took out a little package for me. I have not had such attention from men when I was single! Well, maybe that's it. Anyway, Rodrigo I think wanted to hug me, but I didn't. It's work after all.

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